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The Zydeco-Playboys are a international-conf. Partyband round the superb Accordeonist and Singer Oliver Kraus. Since ī94 is the Band live on stage. Fun, Party & the will of satisfiing the audience must be their feeling while they do their music live on stage. They have their roots definitly in the Zydeco-Sound. This music has basicly one sense - having fun, beeing happy, feel like movin to the party dance groove. So the spirit of the ZYDECO-PLAYBOYS should be spread out all over. They do more & more own songs as well as originals from Buckwheat Zydeco, C.J.Chenier, Los Lobos and many arrangements of famous Coversongs to complete the party.


On the road

“in the name of the accordion”

since 1994!


They are great musicians on instruments and vocals. Generating a really hot & dancie sauce, so that nobody canīt keep still - they stir you up! And they always get a real good press as you can see in their band & press info ......Infos about the Musicians click left on “The Playboys” .


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Oliver plays


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